Дата регистрации: 19 января 2014 г. 08:07
Комментариев на сайте: 2
Последние комментарии suhrobahmedov в новостях
What a quality player he is. Eventhough i support United i have to say that Dortmund have a right not to sell him and He must honor his contract. They can do Robert Lewandowski thing with him too, but i think it is all about money. They refused to let Lewa go because the money was not good enough. the deal may go through if and only if it satisfies Dortmund. от 15.06.2016 11:54
blya Arsenal dalbayob. im nuzhna devyatka oni pokupayut desyatku. Gde on budet igrat. Eto Znachit chto Ozil uxodit. na flange on ne tak efectiven. от 20.05.2016 14:12
blya Arsenal dalbayob. im nuzhna devyatka oni pokupayut desyatku. Gde on budet igrat. Eto Znachit chto Ozil uxodit. na flange on ne tak efectiven. от 20.05.2016 14:12